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What use does the GAGOP have after 2024election?

What use does the #GAGOP have after #2024election? #republicancoalition Watch #BKP at 8am on #VoiceofRuralAmerica .com for #PoliticalNews and Breakdowns the Narrative. We don’t bring you old news, just news never reported. To help keep our efforts going, consider donating to the show. We are funded by Patriots who seek the truth. #gapol #BKPPolitics #BKP #VoiceOfRuralAmerica #republican #conservatives #covfefe #truth #CNNisFakeNews LIKE, FOLLOW, & SHARE BKP content on all social media platforms. @FreedomCaucusGA @GA_Record @GARepAssembly @GAballots @teamTrump @lauraLoomer @TheGeorgiaRecord

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Where was the process in 2020?

Just Sign it to certify, trust the numbers, don't ask questions. and if there is a problem use the proper process? Where was the process in 2020? Watch #BKP #GATruthTeller 8am #VoiceofRuralAmerica #Patriots seeking #Truth #gapol #BKPPolitics @teamTrump @realDonaldTrump

And Who has the power in Georgia?

And Who has the power in #Georgia? #Raffensperger bring criminal charges to local DA? What is the process? Watch #BKP #GATruthTeller at 8am on #VoiceofRuralAmerica For #Patriots seeking the #Truth #gapol #BKPPolitics @teamTrump @lauraLoomer @realDonaldTrump

We must be living in the Twilight Zone

We must be living in the Twilight Zone. Where are the Georgia lawmakers calling press conferences to stop the #FultonCounty monitor hire. Watch #BKP #GATruthTeller 8am on #VoiceofRuralAmerica #Patriots seeking #Truth #gapol #BKPPolitics @teamTrump @lauraLoomer @realDonaldTrump

Enjoy Your Labor Day

Enjoy Your Labor Day tomorrow. We will be back on Tuesday September 3rd at 8am. Watch BKP Politics weekdays at 8am on voiceofruralamerica.com

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Republicans Are Setting Up A Coup In Milwaukee To Remove Trump

WOW! You missed it this morning. There is a reason we need to be worried about the National #Delegates in #Milwaukee in July. The #democrats want to use deadly force on Trump and the #RINO republicans are setting up a #coup in Milwaukee to remove Trump. We have told you for months that you need to be concerned with your delegates from your state. The fight isn’t over. Watch BKP at 8am weekdays.

Watch #BKP at 8am on #VoiceofRuralAmerica .com for #Georgia #PoliticalNews #gapol #BKPPolitics #BKP #VoiceOfRuralAmerica #republican #conservatives #covfefe #truth #CNNisFakeNews @FreedomCaucusGA @GA_Record @GARepAssembly @GAballots @teamTrump @LauraLoomer @realDonaldTrump

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